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man testing heating system

Trusted Heating Services in Phoenix, AZ

Feeling the chill at night? As soon as the sun goes down in Arizona, temperatures can quickly plummet, leaving homes frigid. Don’t let your heating system fail you this winter.

The experts at Meadow Air get it – when that desert air turns cold, you need reliable heat. That’s why we provide a full range of quality heating solutions so you can rest easy knowing your home will stay warm no matter how low the mercury dips.

From new system installations to tune-ups and emergency repairs, we have the skills and experience to keep your heat running smoothly all season long.

Trust the heating professionals at Meadow Air to deliver consistent warmth on even the coldest desert nights. Call for your free estimate today.

man servicing a heating system

Heating Services We Offer in Phoenix, AZ

We offer a full suite of heating services to keep your home warm and comfortable all winter long. Our services include:

From furnace maintenance to heat pump installations, our team of experts has got you covered. We take great pride in our customer service and offer competitive pricing with upfront quotes.

man servicing heater

Reliable Heater Maintenance and Repairs

Meadow Air is the #1 service provider in the Phoenix area for keeping heating systems running at their best. Our experienced technicians perform thorough maintenance and provide expert repairs to keep your heater working flawlessly.

Take advantage of our comprehensive services to optimize the performance and extend the life of your heating system. From tune-ups to complex part replacements, our pros get the job done right. Prevent breakdowns and expensive emergency service calls with routine care.

We’ve been the leading HVAC providers in the Valley for over 20 years, so local climate challenges are something we understand well. Trust us to deliver first-rate, reliable solutions attuned to Phoenix homes. Visit our heater maintenance and repair page for more information and to book your service.

Don’t wait—contact the leading Heating Service Provider in Phoenix, Arizona today!

man installing new heating system

Premium Heater Replacement and Installation Services

Is your heater not performing as it used to? MeadowAir provides a wide range of heater replacement services across Arizona, ensuring your home remains a haven of warmth and comfort. Our experienced team will assist you in selecting from a range of top-quality heating brands. 

Our HVAC technicians are versed in installing a variety of heaters, including gas furnaces, electric heaters, and oil furnaces, from renowned brands like Carrier, Lennox, and Trane. Our energy-efficient and dependable heating systems are designed to deliver a win-win of improved comfort and reduced energy bills. Learn more about our heater replacement options and take a step towards a more comfortable, energy-efficient home.

two heat pumps outside house

Expert Heat Pump Services

Heat pumps are a popular choice amongst Phoenix homeowners thanks to our temperate winters and hot summers. However, fluctuating day and night temperatures can take a toll on system performance and efficiency over time.

We’ll ensure your system can effectively handle both heating and cooling requirements in our desert environment; we perform in-depth testing and adjustments for peak efficiency. We also offer heat pump replacements when aging units can no longer keep up. Enjoy consistent indoor comfort and savings on utility bills with a heat pump serviced by our experts. Check out our heat pump services here.

man performing maintenance on furnace

Keep Your Furnace Running Like New with Our Tune-Up Service

Don’t let your home’s furnace fall into disrepair. Schedule periodic tune-ups with our experts so it’s running at peak performance for the cool season. Our furnace tune-up service will give you the most comprehensive inspection possible to spot potential issues. We check and clean key components like burners and heat exchangers. We also test for gas leaks and carbon monoxide, replace air filters, lubricate moving parts, and adjust the airflow for maximum efficiency. Schedule your furnace tune-up with MeadowAir today.

ductless heating and cooling system

Ductless Heating Specialists – Phoenix, Arizona

Do you have a room addition or converted space that lacks ductwork connections to your central heating system? Get strategic, zoned warmth by installing ductless heating and cooling units.

Meadow Air specializes in ductless heat pump systems that allow heating and cooling in specific areas of your home independently. The mini-split units provide quiet, consistent indoor comfort right where you need it without requiring major ductwork revisions.

Upgrade your unused spaces with heat and AC using flexible ductless systems. Reduce energy waste and gain customized comfort and control. Call Meadow Air to explore ductless heating & cooling options for your home.

Why Choose Meadow Air for Your Heating Services in Phoenix, Arizona

When it’s time to install, replace, or repair your home’s heating system, choose the experts at Meadow Air. Here’s why we’re the top choice for all heating needs in Phoenix:

  • 20+ years of experience specializing in Phoenix-area heating systems
  • Highly-trained and certified technicians for your safety
  •  We offer premium products from the industry’s top brands
  •  Committed to integrity, honesty, and fair pricing
  •  Specialized in tricky installations 
  •  All work is guaranteed and warrantied
  •  Superior customer service from start to finish

For reliable heating services performed to the highest standards, therein lies the difference – choose the pros with the experience to do the job right, each and every time.

What Our Customers Say About Our Heating Services

Ensure Your Home Stays Cozy with Our Top-tier Heating Services – Contact Us Now!